Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zombie Survival: Day 1

Okay, so, it's day one of mass zombie outbreak. You're probs freaking out in your head- well keep it in your head, because you gotta keep a calm composure right now, your entire future from here on out is counting on it. I’m assuming that you’re in a public place right now, so let’s assume you’re in a popular public spot of the 21st century, the sidewalk outside a shopping center. The first thing you need to do is run (as discreetly as possible) into the first big box store you see, Target, Walmart, any big store with a fairly large supply of diverse equipment. It’s not likely the store will be carrying a gun section, which is fine, because the zombie we’re going to work with is the Walking Dead zombie, the most likely zombie, which can both feel and hear, making it very dangerous to work with a loud weapon that will undoubtedly only draw in larger hordes of the undead. Instead, head to the gardening supply section, and try to find an axe, a normal sized fire-axe is best (which reminds me, anybody stuck in an office, or job site, try and find one as well, I understand it is illegal not to carry one in most American offices), though one that fits in your hand is fine as well (you will have to be ready to strike hard and fast in desperate situations, be sure work out as much as possible in your off time to get stronger as the apocalypse wears on- it could save your life). If you can’t find an axe, then look for a hammer or mallet, mallets are actually better if you’re not that strong yet, as a mallet has a more forceful swing, and though it will strike slower, it makes up for this with a (in most cases) longer, firmer build, making it good for pushing the weak-limbed undead away from you. Save that, any bladed gardening tool will have to suffice, as long as it is large and durable enough to serve your needs. Don’t bother paying, money is worthless now, one of the many awesome things the new zombie infested world has to offer you. Try and use your phone now, it is important to do this before cell service falls along with most of the population. Try and call your close friends and loved ones, not just to make sure their okay, but (in some cases) to inform them of the situation, and organize a meeting place for you all to come too, so you can band together in the coming storm. Now here is where it gets troublesome- you have to pick and choose the friends you call VERY CAREFULLY. You can’t just call everybody, small groups are the only way to survive, large groups die off easily, and only drag the group down. It is the sad, but undeniable truth. So try and pick friends you believe you can work with easily in these situations, ones who have survival techniques perhaps, possibly experience with weaponry, or firearms. We’re going to assume you called three of your close friends, and decided to meet at the nearest grocery store. You have half an hour, so I advise you head to a car lot to dump your current car, assuming that it’s a wimpy-ass Prius or some garbage like that, and to pick up a durable truck, or Humvee. Once again, don’t bother paying; if anybody gives you any trouble, feel free to threaten them with your weapon, the police force has probably crumbled by now. With your new wheels, head to the meeting point, the grocery store, to collect your friends. Along the way, ignore any who come to you begging for help. You cannot help anyone, and while these people might have survived this long, they will most likely become casualties like the others as time wears on. Give it a few weeks before you start picking up survivors, they will be the people to look out for, with their obvious survival techniques that allowed them live for so long. Once you and your friends finally meet, make sure that everyone is armed with some sort of weaponry (note: you should also have made sure to call your friends and tell them to bring weapons when you were calling before, putting emphasis on firearms, as they will become rare in the days ahead), and then head into the grocery store to pick up food. ONLY PICK UP CANNED FOODS. This is very important- just because you can take anything in the grocery store does not mean you should, taking unnecessary and (eventually) useless foods will only give you less space for essentials, and cost you dearly. Also remember to check under the cash register counters for firearms, some stores carry them (though usually only mini-marts like The Circle K, and Seven-Eleven). Once you have a good supply of canned meats and fruits, Head to the nearest sporting equipment store and pick up as much camping equipment you can carry. Tents, portable stoves, utensils, portable dishes, dried meals, and, if they carry them, iodine pills to clean water- that’s right, soon tap water will run out and all the ammo in the world is useless without clean water. Also, while you’re ‘shopping,’ try and pick up wooden boards and nails, they will be useful when you’re boarding up you’re future base. For now, head back to the most secure home amongst you, and if you’re in the city, try and find some empty apartment building, so you can claim the highest room in the building. Once this is done, set your watch or smart phones alarm clock to some early time in the morning (after, of course, barricading the doors and windows), and then, making sure you know where your companions and weapons are, feel free to attempt sleep, safe and secure in the knowledge that you have successfully finished Day 1 of the Zombie Apocalypse. Congratulations.